roy ackerman 30th January 2010

Dave, or DB, as we knew him were best of friends at school. I remember endless capers and a joie de vivre that, from the pictures on the site, I realise must have been there with him until his untimely death. DB was the smartest guy in the room - he could rattle through Mastermind faster than the contestants and his repartee was always the sharpest. He was a controversial figure because he was not into the rat-race from a his mid teens. He was marked down as Oxbridge but decided his path lay elsewhere. I remember talking about the sense that he was `wasting his potential'. His reply was that it was his potential and he owed it to nobody. That's the David I remember. Someone who knew who he was and was happy. I hope he was happy when he set off for his morning ride. I salute him and will remember him always. Roy Ackerman